Monday, December 16, 2019

Game Journalism Day 5 -the how

Game Journalism Day 5 


the how

  • Begin again with the newest version
  • HARD mode
  • Name and show 3 differences

A series of slideshows or 1 slideshow for everything

How to make a bandage SLIDESHOW

for example

collect items - build ship - eat - drink - fly to places - build work bench - collect necessary items - build bandage

How to cook a can SLIDESHOW

How to make nails SLIDESHOW

How to fill a barrel with a bucket of water SLIDESHOW

How to Kill a Seeker SLIDESHOW

How to build the greatest air ship ever SLIDESHOW

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Game Journalism Day 4 -the little things

Game Journalism Day 4

the little things

What did you do?

  • Tell a story - a story with pictures especially about when you found (or made) these little things:

found this in a cave

noise maker
make sure it's an animated GIF

I had to work for this

Go Totems!

make sure it's an animated GIF!

YOU killed it first

What did you learn?

  • Are you advancing?
  • what new TIPS & TRICKS can you share? ..with IMAGES

What is your plan for tomorrow?

  • tell your audience what is next for your adventure
  • add an image of your airship

Monday, December 9, 2019

Game Journalism Day 3 - the difference

wobble heads?

What's the difference?

What did you do today?

-outline your interactions in the game...with IMAGES

What did you learn?
-show -with IMAGES- at least 3 difference between the versions.

What will you do next day?

-the game continues - what will you do next?

Add an IMAGE of your airship

--- all IMAGES have your URL ---
--- all IMAGES have a caption explaining the IMAGE---

Friday, December 6, 2019

Game Journalism Day 2 - The Seeker

Game Journalism Day 2 - The Seeker

What did you do today?

  • image of seeker
  • image of a town from the air
  • image of your airship

What did you learn?

  • tips and tricks for your readers
for example - what is the quick way to gather all items from something you have opened?

answer the following with an image
  • where do you get a stone axe from?
  • what items can you eat? 
  1. image of CAN 
  2. image of COOKED can
  3. image of a COOKED FISH
  4. image of a LIVE fish
  5. image of a mushroom
  6. images of cactus fruit

    What will you do tomorrow?

    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    Game Journalism Day 1 - The Basics

    Game Journalism 
    Day 1

    What TYPE of game is this?

    What did you do yesterday to win the game?

    Explain what you see and how to play the game.

    SIX- screenshots 

    • 3 of items to collect - with captions
    • 3 of the scenery - with captions
    • add your blog address - in the image
    • add a caption explaining what each item is - under the image
    What is your plan?

    Tuesday, November 19, 2019

    Collaboration in Minecraft

    Collaboration in Minecraft

    This is a collaborative project
    you are required to collaborate.




    • Take your OWN screenshots
    • create and post your OWN slideshows with captions
    • no dark or rainy screen shots
    • no screenshots without significant changes
    1. Minimum of 3 slideshows each with a minimum of 20 screenshots - each with a caption
    2. ONE walk-through video - under 20 seconds in length
    Choose one of:
    The Antila House

    Marina Bay Sands

    Tropical Island


    What to do with your screenshots

    POWERPOINT suggestion
     -organized your images into separate folders and rename/renumber them
     Go to Desktop PowerPoint  – choose Insert-Photo Album
    and choose the folder - then all the images – 1 per page – fit to slide
    and make changes as necessary - 
    add a caption per slide (insert wordart)
    make them large and readable
    (Describe what is new about each slide)

    How to Embed slide shows on your blog using Google Slides
    go to Google Slides

    or open CHROME type in SLIDE.NEW

     - choose File- import slides - find the powerpoint file you saved.
    Choose file - Publish to the Web
    Choose the EMBED tab
    Slide size : small  Auto-advance Slides: every 2 seconds
    CHECK BOX both start and restart
    copy the code - paste into HTML section of blog post

    Video WALK through
    use a video to show the whole outside of your project from all angles and insides as well - keep it under 20 seconds
    WINDOWS 10 has a built in video capture app
    WINDOW KEY - G to open the game bar
    Start recording - then stop recording - find the file in the VIDEO - CAPTURES folder
    if the file is TOO large - load into Movie Maker then save movie for email

    Stop the weather and stop the day-night cycle
    /gamerule doDaylightCycle false also /time set day
    /gamerule doWeatherCycle false also /toggledownfall

    Sunday, October 27, 2019

    Scary Story Time

    1. In the first attempt you will use images intertwined with words to create the visual story. 

    a. read the story(s)

    b. collect the images
    c. use Windows Movie Maker - to create the story.
    d. add text (as captions), add sound effects

    Knock Knock
    I woke up to the sound of someone ...
    knocking on glass. 4 pics
    I looked at the window. 2 pics
    There was no-one there. 1 pic
    Then I heard the sound again. 2 pics
    From the mirror. 1 pic

    Bed Time
    I begin tucking my son into bed ... 
    and he tells me, 
    “Daddy, check for monsters ...
    under my bed.” 
    I look underneath 
    for his amusement
     and see him, 
    another him, 
    under the bed, 
    staring back at me
     quivering and whispering, 
    "Daddy, there’s somebody on my bed.”

    2. GO back through the first two stories again...this time...In the second attempt you will use video up to 2 seconds in length intertwined with words to create the visual story with sound effects. You can only receive an 'A' on this assignment if you use < two sec video clips. 

    a. read the story

    b. collect the video clips
    c. Use WINDOW KEY - G - capture video from YOUTUBE
    d. use Windows Movie Maker - to create the story.
    e. add text (as captions), add sound effects

    always add a title and closing credits: your name

    ------------------------------longer stories now-----------------------------
    3. Find your own scary story or try below
    a. Use a combination of images and video. 
    b. The words should come from ...

    Tuesday, October 15, 2019

    Algodoo -Challenges

    Algodoo Challenges

    FIRST - Do the Tutorials

    Crash Course /22

    Tools /27

    Sketch tool /25

    POST a screen shot showing completion

    Rules for handing in the following challenges:

    Show your teacher the solution.

    You get 3 successive tries:

    Complete 3 Successfully = 4/4 marks

    Fail 1of 3 trial runs =  3 /4 marks

    Fail 2of 3 attempts = 2/4 marks

    Fail 3 runs and a rebuild will be requested.

    * Screen shot the beginning, middle and ending scene.
    * add your blog address to each



    #9 Your OwnChallenge

     Deliver the Goods

    You build a bridge out of boards. I give you a board – clone it. You’re allowed 15 of them.  Only one AXLE connection between two borders allowed. Start by connecting to the grey blocks on the canyon walls. ONLY use AXLES! The truck must make it complete and completely to the other side.

    Desert Gap

    Build an axle driven vehicle in the box. Drive it over the gap. It may only flip once.

    Do not change the scene. Only use axle power. Everything you create in the box must cross the gap. NO MAGIC. Your car must look like a SOURSOP.

    -import the texture into algodoo or drag it in

    ACID challenge

    Build pipes then attach propellers and gears. The acid must flow efficiently from one vessel to the next.  Try to capture lost fluid or add more or else you may run dry. Do not edit the original scene - no cutting holes either- Do not attach propellers and gears to the sky.


    Save the town. Only build in the boxes. Do NOT fixate to the scene. Nothing heavier than GOLD.
    If a person even falls over - they are not saved

    Marble Machine

    Build a machine to move the marbles.

    Junkyard Wars

    Build vehicle from the junk pile.  Drive it to the end.

    Your vehicle looks like a Jeep Gladiator


    Loch Ness

    Build an axle powered paddle wheel boat to deliver the ball across the Loch. No jets.

    Save the planet


    You have to capture it, push its off collision course or send it back into orbit.


    -build inside the red line

    -No Killers

    -No Immortal

    -No attraction

    -No attaching to background in any way

    -No attaching to earth in anyway

    -No stealing ideas

    -No editing the scene

    -No gravity binding or anything to do with gravity.

    -No scripting

    -No collision G (it’s used to scene)

    If you destroy Earth - 0

    If you destroy Moon– 2/4

    If you catch the Moon - 3/4

    Send the moon back into a stable orbit - 4/4

    #10 Your Own Challenge
    Solve your Challenge. Write the rules. Develop the Template
    Screenshot the template – screenshot the solution


    Wednesday, October 2, 2019

    repl -House

    repl -House

    • choose a house scene - CODE it!
    • add- extras - different: pensizes - colors
    • label one of everything
    • add comments in your code to get a mark

    Choose an House Scene - CODE it!
    Rick and Morty
    Family Guy
    The Simpsons
    Venture Bros Compound
    Haunted Mansion
    Mike Tyson Mysteries House
    Sponge Bob

    Phineas and Ferb

    CODE repl - ARC examples

    ARC examples

    Friday, September 27, 2019

    CODE - repl -circles!


    The same circle drawn 4 different ways

    with Randomized colours and SPEED


    1.3. Summary of Turtle Methods

    TurtleNoneCreates and returns a new turtle object
    forwarddistanceMoves the turtle forward
    backwarddistanceMoves the turle backward
    rightangleTurns the turtle clockwise
    leftangleTurns the turtle counter clockwise
    penupNonePicks up the turtles tail
    pendownNonePuts down the turtles tail
    colorcolor nameChanges the color of the turtle’s tail
    fillcolorcolor nameChanges the color of the turtle will use to fill a polygon
    headingNoneReturns the current heading
    positionNoneReturns the current position
    xcorNoneReturn the current x coordinate
    ycorNoneReturn the current y coordinate
    gotox,yMove the turtle to position x,y
    begin_fillNoneRemember the starting point for a filled polygon
    end_fillNoneClose the polygon and fill with the current fill color
    dotNoneLeave a dot at the current position
    stampNoneLeaves an impression of a turtle shape at the current location
    shapeshape nameShould be ‘arrow’, ‘classic’, ‘turtle’, ‘circle’ or ‘square’

    Thursday, September 26, 2019

    Tuesday, September 24, 2019

    Friday, September 20, 2019

    CODE -Python with Turtle

    CODE -Python with Turtle

    1. - make an account - click the image above -

    Learn by Drawing
    Python (with Turtle)
    2. begin coding - click on image below

    tutorials to get you going: